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Best Asian Restaurants in Xizhi District

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A photo of 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 南港中信店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Nangang District
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
A photo of 黑毛屋 南港中信店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Nangang District
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
A photo of 餡老滿 南港旗艦店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Nangang District
Booked 2 times today
【?最新活動】-? 圍爐年菜|2024/12/31前訂桌享早鳥優惠,每桌現折1000元?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news_detail/Reunion-Dinner-2025)? 外帶年菜|訂購4件組一套即免運費,另可享加購優惠?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news_detail/Reunion-Dinner-Takeout-2025)? 尾牙春酒|提前預訂【宮廷宴席】招待熱茶/酸梅湯暢飲,滿3桌加碼贈限量【義大利進口紅酒】。?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news_detail/Year-End-Spring-Party-2025)? 宮廷宴席|每桌特價8800元起,匯集各路菜系山珍海味,精心呈現豪華宮廷饗宴。? 圓滿分享餐|精選2~8人份經典菜色,點餐不煩惱!?VIP會員招募中~[加餡老滿官方LINE](https://lin.ee/zwVr9Za) 綁定資料快速入會!會員可領取入會禮、生日禮、升級禮等專屬優惠,來店消費滿額自動集點,輕鬆兌換超值餐點!?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息>會員專區](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news/VIP/1)-【?訂位說明】-▲包廂數量:4間▲包廂最多容納人數與最低消費(服務費10%另計):D2 雍王府 ?12.NT$12,000D3 太和殿 ?18.NT$18,000D4 頤和園 ?20.NT$22,000D5 萬壽山 ?10.NT$10,000▲包廂恕不適用MOMO、Gomaji等餐券。▲開放30日內預約。▲接受1~10位(大人+小孩)訂位,超過10位或想包場,請於營業時間電洽預約,也歡迎私訊? [FB粉專](https://m.me/xianlaoman) 或 [LINE官方帳號](https://lin.ee/r6AXI6E) 洽詢▲如欲使用餐券,平日請提前預約,假日請務必1天以前預約,預約及到店時請告知使用兌換券,恕不接受未預約及未主動告知使用兌換券者使用。▲訂位成功將發送簡訊/Email通知,如有加【?[inline的LINE官方帳號](https://liff.line.me/1645278921-kWRPP32q/?accountId=inline) 】請優先查看LINE。-【?訂金說明】-▲為維護各位貴賓之訂位權益,預訂包廂、套餐、特殊節日用餐將酌收訂金(可付現或匯款),所支付之訂金將折抵當日消費(恕無法退還現金),並於當日開立「消費總額」發票。▲訂金收費標準:  包廂:NT$ 5,000/間 包場:低消之20% 桌菜:NT$ 3,000/桌 片鴨/片鵝:NT$ 1,000/套 ※訂餐同時如有訂包廂則以包廂訂金為主▲匯款帳號:台新銀行(812)東湖分行(代碼1101) 211001-0000-1658▲若因故需取消訂位請提前7天主動聯繫餐廳,我們將依通知抵達日酌量退還訂金 (用餐日當天不納入計算): 7天前通知→全額退費 (退款金額需扣除手續費50元) 3~7天前通知→半額退費 (退款金額需扣除手續費50元) 3天內通知或無通知→恕不退費 (可保留至下次來店用餐使用)▲訂位保留10分鐘,逾時未到場也未主動聯繫餐廳視為取消訂位,恕不退還訂金 (可保留至下次來店用餐使用)。▲若餐廳因故臨時無法營業,或遇上天災/政府法令等不可抗力因素導致無法如期用餐,將全額退還訂金 (不扣除手續費)。【?用餐說明】-▲禁帶外食、禁帶寵物(導盲犬除外)▲支付方式:現金、信用卡(VISA, MasterCard, JCB, 銀聯)、電子支付(LINE Pay, 街口支付, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay)-【?交通資訊】-▲鄰近車站:近捷運南港展覽館站1號出口▲停車資訊:世正經貿大樓地下停車場 [Google Map](https://goo.gl/maps/xNNvEq5Nqkfd9SbUA)▲停車優惠:用餐消費滿1,000元可折抵一台車2小時,2,000元可抵2台,以此類推,每台車最多折抵2小時。▲現場照片與詳細交通指引可參見?[官網>竭誠服務](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/service/Intro-Nangang)
A photo of 溢香園 成功店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Neihu District
Coming Soon!
A photo of 富順樓 後山埤店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Nangang District
Coming Soon!
A photo of 餡老滿 內湖店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Neihu District
【?最新活動】-? 外帶年菜|訂購4件組一套即免運費,另可享加購優惠?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news_detail/Reunion-Dinner-Takeout-2025)?VIP會員招募中~[加餡老滿官方LINE](https://lin.ee/zwVr9Za) 綁定資料快速入會!會員可領取入會禮、生日禮、升級禮等專屬優惠,來店消費滿額自動集點,輕鬆兌換超值餐點!?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息>會員專區](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news/VIP/1)-【?推薦套餐】-?家庭套餐|特價1550元(內容:開胃涼菜x1+經典涼菜x1+熱炒x2+餃子麵點x2+酸辣湯2碗+甜點4顆+酸梅湯2瓶)?雙人套餐|特價700元(內容:涼菜x1+熱炒x1+餃子麵點x1+甜點2顆+酸梅湯2瓶)?單人套餐|特價320元起(內容:涼菜x1+餃子麵點x1+甜點1顆+酸梅湯1瓶)-【?訂位說明】-▲本店無包廂,座位數共34位▲開放30日內預約。▲接受1~10位(大人+小孩)訂位,超過10位或想包場,請於營業時間電洽預約,也歡迎私訊? [FB粉專](https://www.facebook.com/xianlaoman) 或 [LINE官方帳號](https://lin.ee/r6AXI6E) 洽詢▲訂位成功將發送簡訊/Email通知,如有加【?[inline的LINE官方帳號](https://liff.line.me/1645278921-kWRPP32q/?accountId=inline) 】請優先查看LINE。-【?用餐說明】-▲禁帶外食、禁帶寵物(導盲犬除外)▲因市場雞蛋短缺,廠商供貨不穩,故部分使用雞蛋之料理?將依各店現場狀況調整食材或暫時停售,敬請見諒。▲支付方式:現金、信用卡(VISA, MasterCard, JCB, 銀聯)、電子支付(LINE Pay, 街口支付, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay)-【?交通資訊】-▲鄰近車站:捷運內湖站1號出口▲停車資訊:CITYLINK內湖店停車場3F~7F [Google Map](https://goo.gl/maps/PZfoSvg3Zm5yk7738)▲停車優惠:用餐消費滿1,000元可折抵一台車1小時,2,000元可抵2小時,以此類推,每台車最多折抵5小時。(?詳見 [商場官網公告](https://www.citylink.tw/neihu/?page_id=6236))-【訂金資訊】-▲用餐當天預付的訂金將直接抵扣當日餐費不予退刷返還▲若因故需取消訂位請提前7天主動聯繫餐廳,我們將依通知抵達日酌量退還訂金 (用餐日當天不納入計算): 7天前通知→全額退費 (退款金額需扣除手續費50元) 3~7天前通知→半額退費 (退款金額需扣除手續費50元) 3天內通知或無通知→恕不退費 (可保留至下次來店用餐使用)▲訂位保留10分鐘,逾時未到場也未主動聯繫餐廳視為取消訂位,恕不退還訂金 (可保留至下次來店用餐使用)。▲若餐廳因故臨時無法營業,或遇上天災/政府法令等不可抗力因素導致無法如期用餐,將全額退還訂金 (不扣除手續費)。
A photo of 無敵水餃  & 無敵搶鍋麵 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Xinyi District
Coming Soon!
A photo of BAAN PHADTHAI 帕泰家 台北信義新天地 A8 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Asian • Xinyi District
Booked 2 times today
A photo of 老乾杯 SOGO復興店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Asian • Da'an District
Booked 5 times today
Yakiniku Restaurant with Wagyu and One Michelin StarA Wagyu Specialty Yakiniku Restaurant with One Michelin StarEnjoy Tableside Service and Lavish Wagyu FeastKanpai Classic is “A Sacred Place for Sophisticated Adults”.CLASSIC represents heritage and wisdom of experience, which means being sophisticated is nothing but wonderful.Kanpai Classic is specializing in providing delicacy of high-quality Japanese and Australian wagyu and Kamameshi to its customers while customers sip on IWC Gold Medal award winning sake “Masuizumi” from Japan along with dedicated tableside service to deliver extraordinary dining experience.
A photo of 老乾杯 信義新天地 A9 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Asian • Xinyi District
Booked 3 times today
Yakiniku Restaurant with Wagyu and One Michelin StarA Wagyu Specialty Yakiniku Restaurant with One Michelin StarEnjoy Tableside Service and Lavish Wagyu FeastKanpai Classic is “A Sacred Place for Sophisticated Adults”.CLASSIC represents heritage and wisdom of experience, which means being sophisticated is nothing but wonderful.Kanpai Classic is specializing in providing delicacy of high-quality Japanese and Australian wagyu and Kamameshi to its customers while customers sip on IWC Gold Medal award winning sake “Masuizumi” from Japan along with dedicated tableside service to deliver extraordinary dining experience.
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