"Mi casa es tu casa!" – so herzlich begrüßen wir, "Leche de Tigre", in unserem neuen Restaurant. In schlichter, moderner Atmosphäre mit knalligen Akzenten wird hier eine peruanische Ceviche-Bar wahre Wunder vollbringen. All maritimen Highlights aus Südamerika bekommt ihr im Leche de Tigre serviert. Was dabei auf keinen Fall fehlen darf: der Pisco, das Nationalgetränk Perus. Schmeckt besonders gut mit Limettensaft und Ginger Beer.
Visit Maa' Deyo in one of the oldest inns in St. Pauli for an exceptional dinner. The menu includes a wide selection of vegan and vegetarian dishes as well as fish and meat dishes. The classic Peruvian ceviche (raw fish marinated with vegetables, herbs and lime juice) is just as absent as the traditional South American crudo (beef tartare). The dishes thrive on their colorfulness, different flavors and textures. Apparent opposites - such as sweet/sour, mild/spicy - come together on the plates to form a harmonious whole. The sharing concept ensures a communicative communal experience, just like at the dining table at home. We will prepare a wonderful evening for you.
Lean back, enjoy a great bottle of wine from a remote, hot land and taste the tastiest dishes that inspired us on our travels. We think that sharing is something nice, so we have also designed the map in the restaurant on the principle of "family dinner". Just as we have learned to love it in our host families all over the world, we put the dishes of your choice in the middle of the table and you use it to your heart's content. We wish you a pleasant journey through the menu!