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歡迎來到盧記麻辣火鍋-線上訂位系統【訂位須知】★用餐時間120分鐘,座位保留10分鐘,晚到有狀況請主動電話告知。★網路 訂位無提供同組客人拆併桌、分鍋/分桌服務,若有此需求,請致電詢問。★訂位一律依實際用餐人數,不指定座位,若有幼童、孕婦、年長者、行動不便者有特別需求請於其他備註欄位告知,您的特別需求將視現場實際座位狀況安排。★自帶酒開瓶費為$300/瓶。【候位須知】★若訂位系統呈現灰色狀態代表已客滿,歡迎直接來現場詢問登記候位【訂位變更】★餐廳空間有限,恕無法臨時加位,感謝您的配合。【用餐小叮嚀】★請勿攜帶外食。 ★寵物可攜帶進場,但須請將寵物放在推車/寵物籃中,並蓋住頭部,避免寵物跳出來造成危險。★如有其他訂位問題或需求,請與我們聯繫(02)2703-3037★營業時間如有變更或公休將於IG粉絲專頁公布。★訂位相關資訊,本餐廳依訂位狀況保有變更之權利。【營業時間】★平日週一 晚上17:00-23:00★平日週二至週日中午12:00至晚上23:00,下午店不休照常營業。
[Information for Reservation]*Reservation should be made 24 hours before arrival.*Online bookings are available 60 days ahead.*We can only reserve your booking for 10 minutes and the dining time limits 90 minutes.*Table for six will be arranged with long table(according to different configuration by each store, 5-6 people would be a little crowded in some stores). While making the reservation for more than 6 people, please contact us by phone or email.*Any cancellation or adjustment, please contact us in advance.*No outside food or drinks allowed.(for vegetarian and children are allowed to bring prepared food.)*No pets allowed.
Réservée 1 fois aujourd'hui
【Welcome】Aplus Dining Sake Bar is a relaxed and friendly bistro. We hope you enjoy our fusion-style Japanese food and sake selection. Experienced sommeliers is awlays ready to provide you sake pairing suggestions for your pleasant dining experience.【Average Price Per Customer】Lunch: Business Lunch Set $380~$480/setDinner: $800~$1000/person, drinks are not included(Prices are for reference only, subject to actual use)No minimum consumption, 10% service charge is required【Corkage Fee】There are more than 120 items of sake in Aplus, as well as a variety of red and white wines and spirits to choose from. $500 per bottle of corkage fee will be charged, if you bring your own beverages.【Reservation Notice】1. It is necessary to reserve a table 2 hours before arriving. Reservation within 30 days is available for online booking.2. The dining time is limited to 90 minutes. Our manager may extend your dining time depending on the on-site operating conditions.3. Thers is 10 minutes flexible time for possible lateness. If overtime, the seat will be canceled without prior notice. If you will arrive early or be late, please call us in advanc, thank you. (02) 27319266.4. If you are unable to attend your reservation, please cancel the reservation 2 hours before, to keep your right to make another reservation next time.5. If you need to change time or the number of customers, please call us in advance. (02) 27319266.6. Designated seats (ex. window seat..) are not accepted. If you have special needs, please inform in the other remarks field (ex. one vegetarian meal). Your needs will be arranged according to the on-site operating conditions.7. For reservations for more than 8 people, private dining, or if you need an independent dining area, please call (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.8. Reservations for this moment, or there are no available seats on the day you expect; we have a few seats reserved on site, please call the reservation hotline (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.
!!!舊址東豐店營業到5/26(日) !!!5/30(四)即日起訂位用餐地址更改為台北市大安區大安路一段75巷29號訂位的朋友們要注意地點唷! **新址有包廂可容納八位(低消為$15000),有包廂需求僅接受電訂位! 一般平日/假日☆最後進場時間為23:00☆用餐時間:120分鐘訂位須知☆僅開放30天內訂位☆如需預訂當天用餐,請來電訂位☆若有特殊需求或指定座位(行動不便、孕婦、兒童椅等)請來電告知✨[外帶外送訂餐請點我](