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Best Grills in Zhongshan District

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A photo of 柒息地串燒居酒屋 長春店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Grill • Zhongshan District
Booked 3 times today
1. 當日訂位請致電至餐廳,隔日後訂位請多加利用訂位網頁。2. 若您希望用餐日期訂位已滿,歡迎候補,可以喬位子時打給您。本店有保留部分座位,也歡迎來電洽詢。其他分店資訊與訂位:?柒息地 延吉店??台北市大安區延吉街99號?捷運國父紀念館站1號出口 步行約5分鐘?週一~週日18:00~01:30 ?[點我立即訂位](https://inline.app/booking/-NL0JujLqU8rUJTN3TkY:inline-live-3/-Nnm9V_WAqtsXCaoY3hA "link") 長春店?台北市中山區長春路128-1號?松江南京站步行5分鐘?週一~週日 18:00~01:30 ?[點我立即訂位](https://inline.app/booking/-NL0JujLqU8rUJTN3TkY:inline-live-3/-NL0JuvYu-eGH3EvWG6k "link") 士林店?台北市士林區小北街3號?捷運士林站步行8分鐘?週一~週日18:00~01:30?[點我立即訂位](https://inline.app/booking/-NL0JujLqU8rUJTN3TkY:inline-live-3/-NnmAaxAFnssEEZy7mw3 "link") 三重店?新北市三重區自強路一段230號?捷運三重國小站約8分鐘?週一~週日18:00~01:30?[點我立即訂位](https://inline.app/booking/-NL0JujLqU8rUJTN3TkY:inline-live-3/-NnmAkWP1J3_qdbJGyrT "link") 永和店?新北市永和區中正路576號?捷運頂溪捷運站站約15分鐘?週一~週日17:00~12:00?[點我立即訂位](https://inline.app/booking/-NL0JujLqU8rUJTN3TkY:inline-live-3/-NksYZpmgLjVEWpWTbpU "link")
A photo of 夜問長安串串燒肉店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Grill • Zhongshan District
?集合大陸各地特色菜?全台獨有安達肚包肉藥膳鍋?火鍋木串9元?東北燒烤鐵串20元?台北市中山區長安東路一段81號?松江南京站2號出口(步行10分鐘) ?營業時間?每日17:30-02:30(出餐至01:00止)
A photo of 燒肉PUNCH 台北東區3號店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Grill • Songshan District
Booked 1 time today
【燒肉PUNCH 台北東區3號店】肉量燒肉專門店|最超值的肉重擊☎️02-27760116?台北市大安區敦化南路一段169巷5號1樓Ⓜ️捷運 忠孝敦化站7號出口▪️營業時間:週一-週四 11:30-14:00; 17:30-00:00週五 11:30-14:00; 17:30-01:00週六 17:00-01:00週日 17:00-00:00(休假日依照訂位系統顯示為主)《訂位須知》訂位完成後將視同您同意以下資訊內容:▪️預約開放時間:前一個月開放訂位▪️多人數訂位規則:預約人數6位以上或需要『包場服務』請來電洽詢任何訂位相關問題亦可傳送訊息至粉絲專頁(Facebook、Instagram)▪️用餐時間:90分鐘,以訂位時間為主?餐廳為一樓(若同行中有行動不便者,請於訂位時註明以便安排)?若需兒童椅請於訂位備註告知、若無告知則以現場兒童椅數量為主?未出席、遲到10分鐘以上將取消訂位《用餐須知》▪️付款方式:提供刷卡(一般刷卡、銀聯、美國運通)、現金支付、Linepay▪️每人低消$600元整▪️內用酌收10%服務費▪️自備酒水,開瓶費計算方式:洽詢服務人員▪️禁用外食(慶生蛋糕除外)如有上列訂位以外需求,歡迎私訊粉絲專頁或於上班日時間來電,將有專人為您服務?
A photo of TORISHOU鳥翔 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Grill • Da'an District
• 訂位前請先閱讀訂位資訊• 季節性燒鳥套餐:NT$ 2,280+10% /人• 餐廳無提供兒童座椅及客製化兒童套餐,請見諒• 營業時間:18:00 - 23:00• 公休日:2/18、2/25、3/4、3/11、3/18、3/25(若有調整會於 Instagram公告)• 聯絡信箱:torishoutaipei@gmail.com• 聯絡電話:02-2752-5357(電話聯絡時間為 14:00 - 17:30。餐期期間無法接聽敬請見諒)【用餐時間】• 18:00 & 19:30 & 21:00 用餐時段• 18:00 & 19:30 僅提供套餐可再額外加點,《21:00 僅提供單點,單點低消為NT$ 1,000+10%/人》• 包廂:請來電或email預約,包廂適用於 8-10 位用餐,低消為NT$ 20,000+10%【用餐須知】• 用餐限時 2 小時• 恕不提供臨時加位服務,如需要更改人數,請提前詢問(現場減少訂位人數,將收取訂金費)【訂位方式】• 開放次兩週訂位,每月 1 號& 1 5 號00:00開放兩週後網路預訂範例:11月1號可預約11月16日至11月30 日 11月15號可預約次月1日至15日• 包廂僅接受電話或是e-mail預訂,將由專人協助訂位,包廂適用於 8-10 位用餐,低消為NT$ 20,000+10%• 訂位成功後將會收到確認訂位的訊息,並請依照訊息指示綁定信用卡資訊。綁定訂金為NT$ 1,000 /人,若未綁定信用卡資訊,餐廳將無法保留訂位• 6位以上訂位或包場請電話或e-mail洽詢(包場低消將由專人告知)【取消條款】• 取消訂位請於用餐日前24小時告知• 當日取消 / 未出席 / 遲到 15 分以上將視同取消訂位• 當日取消訂位將收取全額訂金,亦不可改期使用,敬請見諒【注意事項】• 禁止攜帶外食,包含各式飲料
• 自備酒類將酌收開瓶費用• 紅、白酒:NT$500元/瓶,開至第6瓶以上為NT$1000元/瓶• 清酒:NT$500元/瓶(720ml),清酒NT$1000元/瓶(1.8ml)• 烈酒NT$1000元/瓶• 本店無配合停車場• 付款方式:現金、信用卡• 請依照訂位時間抵達,為確保自身與後面顧客用餐權益,請勿遲到【餐廳地址】台北市大安區濟南路三段41號忠孝新生站(三號出口步行5分鐘)
A photo of 老乾杯 SOGO復興店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Grill • Da'an District
Booked 1 time today
Yakiniku Restaurant with Wagyu and One Michelin StarA Wagyu Specialty Yakiniku Restaurant with One Michelin StarEnjoy Tableside Service and Lavish Wagyu FeastKanpai Classic is “A Sacred Place for Sophisticated Adults”.CLASSIC represents heritage and wisdom of experience, which means being sophisticated is nothing but wonderful.Kanpai Classic is specializing in providing delicacy of high-quality Japanese and Australian wagyu and Kamameshi to its customers while customers sip on IWC Gold Medal award winning sake “Masuizumi” from Japan along with dedicated tableside service to deliver extraordinary dining experience.
A photo of 一牛楽 restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Grill • Zhongshan District
營業日為周一至周日|午餐時段12:00-15:00最後入場13:30|晚餐時段17:30-22:00最後入場20:30。餐廳禁帶外食與飲料,寵物入內需提前聯絡安排。※開瓶費用NTD$ 500 /瓶如點用餐廳酒款,可折抵開瓶費用(點用一瓶可折抵一瓶,瓶裝啤酒除外)。訂位後需綁定信用卡每人800元,若需修改訂位請於兩日前告知變更或取消,餐廳則不另收取費用,若無故於用餐前一日或當日無故取消者餐廳將收取全額訂金,敬請提早聯絡變更。由於餐廳無法保證能提供沒有特定相關食材接觸的生產線。如您或前來用餐的同行客人對某項特定食材(如堅果類)有強烈過敏反應,請務必於訂位前先行致電餐廳與訂席人員確認相關細節以確保您的用餐體驗舒適安全。
A photo of 老乾杯 台北南西店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Grill • Zhongshan District
Booked 1 time today
Yakiniku Restaurant with Wagyu and One Michelin StarA Wagyu Specialty Yakiniku Restaurant with One Michelin StarEnjoy Tableside Service and Lavish Wagyu FeastKanpai Classic is “A Sacred Place for Sophisticated Adults”.CLASSIC represents heritage and wisdom of experience, which means being sophisticated is nothing but wonderful.Kanpai Classic is specializing in providing delicacy of high-quality Japanese and Australian wagyu and Kamameshi to its customers while customers sip on IWC Gold Medal award winning sake “Masuizumi” from Japan along with dedicated tableside service to deliver extraordinary dining experience.
A photo of 和牛47 微風南山店 restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Grill • Xinyi District
Booked 1 time today
High Rise Yakiniku Kaiseki Restaurant with Wagyu Lavish Fine Dining Experience in All Senses with Highest Quality WagyuWagyu 47 has a scenic view overlooking Taipei 101. Thecuisine we serve is the perfect combination of yakiniku, wagyu sushi, and Kaiseki. Menus are named after four seasons, and the seasonal dishes defines “Fine Dining with Deluxe Wagyu”. Tableside service allows the customers to immerse themselves in beautiful scenery and deliciousness, creating unforgettable memories of “Enjoying the best wagyu with special ones on any special days”
A photo of 燒肉擔當 restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Grill • Da'an District
在您訂位之前,我們希望與您分享本餐廳的規定,請您詳細閱讀以下資訊,謝謝您的配合與諒解。【自帶酒水】每瓶酌收NT$300(不分酒種)【預訂須知】燒肉擔當開放30日以內的預約。預訂時須輸入信用卡資訊,訂位系統將於訂位成功後傳送訂位簡訊或是郵件,此階段您將不會被收取任何費用。【變更與取消】如該訂位48小時內,透過訂位系統取消。 臨時取消、逾時或當天未抵達用餐者,恕收取每人NT$1,000 。 請注意若你所使用的信用卡發生海外交易時手續費須自行承擔,敬請見諒。 【營業時間】・週一至週日: 17:30 - 24:00 (最後入座時間為23:00)為了提供貴客完美用餐體驗與品質、尊重每位用心服務的員工及其他用餐客人,故本餐廳制定上述說明,謝謝您的體諒與配合
A photo of 老乾杯 慶城店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Grill • Songshan District
Yakiniku Restaurant with Wagyu and One Michelin StarA Wagyu Specialty Yakiniku Restaurant with One Michelin StarEnjoy Tableside Service and Lavish Wagyu FeastKanpai Classic is “A Sacred Place for Sophisticated Adults”.CLASSIC represents heritage and wisdom of experience, which means being sophisticated is nothing but wonderful.Kanpai Classic is specializing in providing delicacy of high-quality Japanese and Australian wagyu and Kamameshi to its customers while customers sip on IWC Gold Medal award winning sake “Masuizumi” from Japan along with dedicated tableside service to deliver extraordinary dining experience.

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Discover best Grill restaurants in Zhongshan District

Discover the vibrant grill dining scene in 中山區, Taipei City, where the culinary focus is on expertly prepared grilled specialties that cater to both local tastes and adventurous foodies. These establishments in the heart of 大台北地區 offer a diverse range of grilled dishes, from succulent meats to fresh seafood, each prepared with distinct local flavors and cooking techniques that promise a delightful dining experience. The restaurants pride themselves on using high-quality ingredients, ensuring that each dish served is not only fresh but also enhances the overall flavor profile. The inviting atmosphere of these venues, coupled with impeccable service, makes them perfect for family dinners, casual meetups, or special occasions. With easy access to public transportation and a reputation for excellence, these grill-focused restaurants are a must-visit for anyone looking to indulge in top-notch culinary creations in Taipei. Overall, the dining scene in 中山區 reflects a commitment to quality and satisfaction, making it a standout destination for grill enthusiasts.

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