Das OPPOSTI soll ein Ort für alle sein. Ein Ort, an dem man sich zu jeder Zeit wohlfühlt und der über alle Gegensätze, Altersgruppen und Mahlzeiten hinweg verbindet. Kommt mit eurer Familie, euren Kollegen und Freunden. Mein Team und ich geben unser Bestes für euch. Wir kochen frisch, mit hochwertigen Zutaten und nicht aus der Tüte. Wir sind kreativ und lassen uns immer etwas Neues einfallen für euch. Und wir sind erst dann zufrieden, wenn ihr es auch seid, egal ob beim Frühstück, zum Mittagstisch oder mit einem Cocktail an der Bar. Wir freuen uns auf euch.
The NENI Hamburg is a culinary mosaic of Persian, Russian, Arabic, Moroccan, Turkish, Spanish, German and Austrian influences. The concept of family Molcho is that everyone is able to try a little of everything, and pots and pans are taken from the kitchen and placed directly on the table without any airs or graces.
Located in the center of Hamburg, Germany, Anleger 1870 allows guests to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Stop by and enjoy quality cuisine made with fresh ingredients. Partake in favorites like beef scaloppini with pine nuts and mashed potatoes. Relax on Anleger 1870's outdoor terrace, which offers a spectacular panoramic view of the Mundsburger Canal. When planning special events, whether it be a birthday celebration in the summer, a Christmas family dinner or a wedding reception in the fall, Anleger 1870 is ready to cater and provide top-notch service any time of the year.
Cornelia Poletto offers a unique dining experience in its chic and contemporary restaurant. It specializes in a combination of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine with dishes like handmade ravioli, spaghetti, bruschetta and pavlova. A wide selection of wines can also be ordered with each meal. Dining outdoors is possible on warmer days.
After enjoying a meal at Cornelia Poletto, you can shop at its adjacent delicatessen to purchase a variety of food and non-food items, such as vinegar oils, spices, coffee, teas and cookbooks. For the aspiring home chef, cooking classes are also offered to teach you the correct techniques at Cornelia Poletto.