Salles privées
Dels Enoteca Pizzeria
Consider the Courtyard for your next social gathering, Tavola for your next meeting or dinner! dels Enoteca Pizzeria has space that will entertain and delight your guests!
Informations sur le restaurant
Capacité maximale :35
Capacité maximale :35
Options de salle privée
Consider the Courtyard for your next social gathering, Tavola for your next meeting or dinner! dels Enoteca Pizzeria has space that will entertain and delight your guests!
20 Debout
20 Assis
Tavola (Italian for ‘table’) is an exquisitely appointed private room that makes an impact from the first look. Plush chairs, floor to ceiling wine fridge, gorgeous light fixtures and a large LCD monitor make this the perfect space for any event that in which you want to impress your guests.
35 Debout
35 Assis
The Courtyard is a semi-private area where friends can gather and have a great time! Off to the side from the main dining room, your group will feel like they are in their own restaurant!