A restaurant host is often the first interaction a guest will have when entering your establishment and quite likely the closing interaction as they depart. OpenTable provides you with a tool to manage the nuances of guest interactions so you can focus your attention on creating an inviting and consistent guest experience.
Complete the Beginner Training Program to learn about:
A manager handles the day-to-day operation of their restaurant. You may be one of the many leaders whose focus is to make real-time decisions for the benefit of your guests and staff. Regardless of your title, you are empowered to respond quickly and efficiently to the needs of the restaurant. The Intermediate Training Program focuses on providing you with a clear lens as to the pace and flow of your restaurant.
Complete the Intermediate Training Program to learn about:
As an owner, you may be the one responsible for all aspects of your restaurant. Aside from keeping the place running, you oversee the overall strategy, profitability, and reputation of your business. You need a marketing engine that helps you adapt quickly to the changing demands of your industry and guests.
Complete the Advanced Training Program to learn about: